Thursday, November 19, 2015

forward with passion

My personal belief is that God the Creator is the One Who connects the dots for us...
Watch this video.
The past 4 years has been full of tests, trials, and broken-heartedness. Life's circumstances has knocked me down, mocked my faith, and engulfed me in so much sadness that I wasn't sure of any hope. I've discovered that at the end of my feelings, there is nothing. I get caught up in my feelings -a human tendancy that runs strong through my viens. My emotions easily control me. If I let this happen, they will use me. I'm through with allowing my emotions to use and control me. God's design for me is bigger than all of this. I am coming back. I am taking full responsibility for my life. With drive and passion. The last chapter of my life has not yet been written.


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